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 Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.

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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyDim 3 Nov - 11:10

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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyDim 3 Nov - 17:08

Okay il t'aurais quittée pour Elena pour faire original
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 16:38

Moi moi moi ! M'oublie pas bounce ❤ 
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 16:53

Euh, je pense pas te connaitre si ? Miséricorde, ton visage me dit quelques choses ^^ Non, t'inquiète pas !
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:07

*mauvais compte*

Méeuhh ! Déjà que j'ai été hypnotisée pour oublier des trucs, si tu t'y mets aussi, on ne va pas s'en sortir XDDD

J'étais là pour ton "réveil". Je ne sais pas si tu as pu lire le rp (car ton réveil s'est fait lors d'un rp entre Matt, Caro, Elena et Elijah - juste après ta transformation lors du dernier évent de la S1 du forum) mais, pour résumer notre relation, j'étais là autant que Care pendant ton éducation de vampire et je me sens (encore aujourd'hui) responsable de ta transformation. Tu sais pourquoi Elijah t'a transformé ? Je ne sais pas si tu as eu l'occasion de voir ça avec lui XD

En gros, une sorcière s'est servie de toi pour le faire "craquer". S'il ne te tuait pas (lire le dernier évent de la S1 - la guerre entre les sorcières mortes et les originaux), c'est moi qui allait y passer donc, il a pris soin de te tuer en te donnant de son sang juste avant, ce qui t'a permis de revenir "à la vie". BREF

En gros, ils sont en de bons termes à l'heure qu'il est ou, est-ce que Matt en veut à Elena (et/ou Elijah) ?
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:31

- Tu fais bien de me le dire, Elijah ma pas mise au courant le vilain ^^ Il en veux ni a Elena ni a Elijah, je pense que si il sens fouter il l'aurais pas pris le temps de lui faire boire sont sang si bon
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:32

Oui, il ne voulait pas que Matt meurt pour de bon mais, s'il l'a fait, c'est surtout pour qu'Elena ne lui en veuille pas à vie (et la vie pour un vampire, cela peut être trèèès long XD)
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:36

XD oui j'avoue ses très long ta pas le temps de compter tes rides ^^ il me faut un lien avec Nick je pense, en rapport de sa relation avec Bekah. Il vois sa comment ?
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:37

Cela m'amuse XD en dehors de Stefan, Matt est le seul petit ami de Bekah qui n'ai pas fini six pieds sous terre donc... XDDD
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 17:42

XD d'accord, donc tu souhaite pas me faire la peau mdr
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 18:01

Non, pas spécialement - puis je suis assez occupé à la NO. Disons que j'ai d'autres chats à fouetter que les amourettes de ma petite soeur MDR
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 EmptyMer 6 Nov - 18:36

MDR donc en gros de l'ignorance
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Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.   Matt Donovan  ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing. - Page 2 Empty

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Matt Donovan ღ Each person that allows himself to love, is someone that takes the risk of losing.
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