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 La mante religieuse vous attend

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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:46

because all suffering is sweet to me.

that one moment, when you know you're not a sad story. you are alive.

nom, prénom + âge + métier + ville + statut + groupe.

Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage. Le résumé de votre histoire, tout ce que vous voulez dire sur votre personnage.

caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère + caractère +

point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage + point important sur le personnage.
© love.disaster

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:18, édité 11 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:47

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:19, édité 35 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:47

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:19, édité 2 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:48

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:20, édité 2 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:48

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:20, édité 3 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyLun 27 Mai - 20:51

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

prénom + nature du lien

You know, sometimes love needs to face obstacles to become stronger. People need to be tore apart from each other and say goodbye. The only thing to do then, is move on, and start over. If that love was really meant to be, it would come back, stronger than before. True love always wins against the things that want it's death.

Dernière édition par Cheyenne A. Hamilton le Mar 3 Sep - 20:21, édité 2 fois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyJeu 30 Mai - 20:21

Coucou ma belle, je savais pas que tu avais fait un TC ! La mante religieuse vous attend 1709748450
Je veux un lien, cette fois un positif, on a jamais de positifs nous XD :cryyy:
Comme Elen' est la première personne que tu as connu dans cette ville, on pourrait déjà se connaître par son biais tu en penses quoi ? La mante religieuse vous attend 2328502761
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyJeu 30 Mai - 20:57

Avec grand plaisir ma belle, en plus d'avoir du positif avec elle, j'en est aussi pour Eva, qui est ta meilleure amie
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyJeu 30 Mai - 21:01

C'est pas ma meilleure amie, mais une assez bonne amie ^^ Je pourrais venir chasser avec toi et Elen' aussi parfois non ? La mante religieuse vous attend 2396655900
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyJeu 30 Mai - 21:06

Avec grand plaisir ma chère

PS: J'ai hésité à faire un perso masculin
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyVen 31 Mai - 18:53

Shay Mitchell c'est parfait, super choix, franchement ! ❤
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptyVen 31 Mai - 19:22

Merci, elle est mon fantasme, ce n'est pas pour rien que je l'est choisie

j'aurais bien aimer voir Rebekah Bi
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 18:43

Oh oui elle est trop magnifique La mante religieuse vous attend 2328502761 Oh moi je la vois pas trop en bi perso XD
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 18:54

faut se faire un sujet ma belle
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:21

ouais, je te tiens au courant, je suis un peu prise ! ❤
Mais on peut se faire un a trois avec Elen' La mante religieuse vous attend 2328502761
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:24

Mode Elizabeth: Pourquoi pas?
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:24

Je commence pas en tout cas ! La mante religieuse vous attend 1709748450
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:25

Elen est d'accord pour un sujet à trois
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:31

D'accord qui commence ? (pas moi haha)
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

morsures : 19337
inscrit(e) le : 13/01/2013
célébrité : Ian Somerhalder
crédits : Tag

La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 19:42

Et moi tu m'as complètement zappé Bekah :sifflote :
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 21:55

Tu voulais un lien Damon?
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 22:03

Je t'ai zappé ? Mais c'est pas vrai ça, menteur. J'attends de finir celui avec Kol/Ana ou celui avec Elijah pour faire le notre, pour pas que je sois trop a la bourre ! La mante religieuse vous attend 1709748450
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 22:52

Liens mis à jour, à qui le tour?
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

morsures : 19337
inscrit(e) le : 13/01/2013
célébrité : Ian Somerhalder
crédits : Tag

La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 23:34

Mdrrr je pouvais pas deviner xD

Et Cheyenne on en a déjà un de lien
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La mante religieuse vous attend Empty
MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend EmptySam 1 Juin - 23:37

Comment oublier mon Damon, dis moi ? Toute façon a chaque fois que je vois le gif ou je te torture je pense à toi, si c'est pas un privilège ça !
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MessageSujet: Re: La mante religieuse vous attend   La mante religieuse vous attend Empty

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