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 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.

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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:06

Stefan Salvatore


NOM ; Salvatore PRÉNOM ; Stefan ORIGINES ; italiennes ÂGE ; 166 ans STATUT SOCIAL ; Célibataire PROFESSION ; Aucune, pourquoi travailler quand on est blindé ? AVATAR ; Paul Wesley CRÉDITS ;Tumblr

GROUPE ; Vampire  PLUS GRAND RÊVE ; Avoir une existence normale. Même en tant que vampire, je veux dire, sans l'être je n'aurais jamais rencontré Lexie... Je veux juste que ma vie soit plus simple, sans tous ces problèmes. PLUS GRANDE PEUR ; Perdre encore des personnes que j'aime, c'est vraiment plus qu'une peur, presque une phobie. RAPPORT AUX AUTRES GROUPES ; Je n'ai pas spécialement de problèmes particuliers avec les autres groupes. Je respecte les humains, les sorcières ainsi que tous les autres mais je dois avouer que je n'ai pas totalement confiance aux loups-garous, aux vampires sanguinaires ainsi qu'aux hybrides. Par contre, les sorcières mortes, je dis non, ce n'est absolument pas naturel.
c'est tout moi ça !

Oubliez le gentil Stefan, mignon, dépendant de Katherine puis d'Elena, victime de Damon... Non. Depuis mon voyage en Angleterre accompagné de Lexie, j'ai compris beaucoup de choses, éloigné de toutes les histoires de Mystic Falls, cette ville ne m'a jamais apporté quelque chose de bon sans me le reprendre. C'est donc un tout nouveau Stefan que vous trouverez. On peut dire qu'actuellement, je suis un mélange entre le Stefan gentil et le Stefan méchant. J'ai décidé de ne faire que ce qui me tient à coeur et non parce qu'on a besoin de moi. J'arrête de faire le pantin. Peut-être sauf avec Elena, c'est qu'on a un passé ensemble et que je tiens toujours à elle, enfin bref. On peut dire que maintenant je ne tournerai pas autour du pot cent cinquante ans et que si j'ai quelque chose à dire, je le dirais. Avec les femmes, j'ai gagné de l'assurance, je suis un vrai don juan en Angleterre à présent. Sous ma nouvelle apparence dur et d'homme sur de soit, je garde toujours cette partie sensible en moi. Vous pourrez donc me blesser mais cette fois-ci, je ne me laisserais pas abattre, vous aurez mon pied au cul.

qui suis-je vraiment ?

Coucou tout le monde, moi c'est Jennifer mais on me connait plus sous le pseudo de Oumish, ouais c'est bizarre mais j'avais du fumer toutes les moquettes de ma maison. Bref, j'ai connu le forum grâce aux top-sites et bah j'espère que Stefan sera à moi. Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 

Dernière édition par Stefan Salvatore le Mar 16 Juil - 18:23, édité 2 fois
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: <div style="font-size: 24px; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black;">Lieu, Date</div> <right><img src="URL" style="float: left; margin-right: 10px; width:280px;">   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:06

tout commença ainsi...

Avant d'entrer dans les détails, sachez que je me nomme Stefan Salvatore, né le cinq novembre milles huit-cent quarante-sept à Mystic Falls, époque de la renaissance italienne, un peu avant la guerre civile. Je suis le fils de Giuseppe Salvatore, l'un des fondateurs de ma ville natale. J'ai un grand frère: Damon avec qui j'étais très proche. Je suis mort le quinze juillet milles huit-cent quatre-vingt quatre. Comment je peux vous dire tout ça ? Je vais vous l'expliquer, vous raconter mon histoire.

Mystic Falls, 1864

J'avais dix-sept ans à cette époque. Elle était nouvelle en ville et je n'ai pas eu à me forcer pour tomber follement amoureux d'elle. Katherine. Je l'ai aimé, du moins, je ne sais pas. Vous comprendrez plus tard. Nous vivions une jolie idylle jusqu'à ce que mon frère rentra de son service militaire. Après, tout se compliqua. Damon tomba aussi sous le charme de Katherine et une tension s'installa, peu à peu. Nous sortions tous les deux avec elle mais elle a toujours eu cette préférence pour moi, du moins je crois. Nos vies ont changé lorsqu'elle nous apprit qu'elle était un vampire, ce que notre père et ses amis chassaient. Lorsqu'elle fut capturée, nous avons tout tenté pour la sauver, jusqu'à nous faire tuer puis changer en vampire. Pour compléter ma transformation, j'ai tué mon père et puis j'ai forcé Damon à devenir un vampire malgré son refus. Nous avons cru à cette époque que Katherine était morte, ce qui n'est pas le cas. J'ai fais mon égoïste, j'avais besoin de mon frère.
Je n'ai pas été un "bon vampire" suite à ma transformation. On m'appelait "The Ripper", un surnom qui me donne des frissons à présent. J'avais éteint mon humanité, je tuais tout sur mon passage et le pire c'est que j'en prenais plaisir, heureusement qu'elle me trouve: Lexie. Je crois que je la remercierai jamais assez de m'avoir sauvé. Pas une fois, pas deux fois mais trois fois. En, 1864, elle me conseilla, m'expliquant qu'avec de la retenue, je pourrai aimer de nouveau un jour. Katherine me manquait tellement. Finalement, sachant que le sang humain faisait l'objet d'une véritable addiction pour moi, Lexi m'apprit à me sustenter en ne buvant que du sang animal. Cela marcha pendant soixante ans jusqu'au jour où nos chemins se séparent. Nous étions devenus meilleurs amis mais chacun devait sa vie de son côté. En 1912, j'avais croisé la route de Damon, qui était devenu le monstre qu'il est redevenu. Un monstre assoiffé de sang, celui que j'étais, en moins pire il faut l'avouer. Il me fit goûter à nouveau au sang humain, The Ripper 2.0 en place. C'est comme ça aussi que j'ai fais la connaissance de Niklaus et Rebekah, nous nous étions bien amusés cette fois-ci, Klaus et moi comme des frères, Rebekah et moi comme deux amants, mais on s'éloigne. Ring 2 pour Lexie. De 1922 à 1935, elle me mit en cure. C'est dans les années quatre-vingt dix que nous avons poursuivi des chemins différents. Le Ring 3, c'est pour plus tard.

Mystic Falls, 2009
"Je n'aurais pas dû revenir chez moi. C'est risqué, je le sais mais, je n'ai pas eu le choix. Je dois savoir qui elle est. Je n'ai pas réussi à me dominer aujourd'hui, tout ce que j'avais soigneusement gardé enfoui à vite refait surface. Je suis tout simplement incapable de lui résister." (01X01) Je suis de retour à Mystic Falls, pour le meilleur comme pour le pire. J'avais tenté de sauver une famille de la noyade suite à leur accident sur le pont puis j'ai cru que c'était Katherine à l'arrière. Mais non. La jeune femme était humaine. J'ai réussi à la sauver, pas ses parents. A présent, je dois savoir qui elle est. La peine que j'ai ressenti lors de la mort de Katherine m'est revenu en pleine face mais surtout l'amour que j'avais ressenti pour elle. Je me suis bien vite rendu compte qu'Elena Gilbert n'était pas Katherine Pierce, si on enlève leur ressemblance frappante. Ça a été comme un coup de foudre avec elle. Nous avons commencé à sortir ensemble, c'était sans compter que Damon vienne foutre le bordel. Lui, il a toujours été amoureux de Katherine et le sera toujours... Oh Lexie m'avait dit que ça n'était pas une bonne idée de sortir avec un double Petrova lorsqu'elle m'avait rendu visite pour mon 162ème anniversaire. Devinez-quoi, Damon l'a tué. Il a assassiné la femme qui m'a aidé quand j'étais au plus bas, la personne qui a été là quand j'en avais besoin, ma meilleure amie. Fallait qu'il tombe en plus amoureux d'Elena, toujours obsédé par Katherine...
Mystic Falls, suite
La relation entre Damon et moi s'améliora. Contrairement à ce qu'il voulait montrer aux autres, il n'est pas si mauvais qu'il en a l'air. Lorsque nous avons appris qu'en réalité, Katherine n'était pas dans sa "tombe" et qu'elle nous rendit visite, nous menaçant, nous nous sommes liés pour en venir à bout. Cette garce m'a même avoué qu'elle m'a toujours aimé, mensonges mensonges mensonges, tout a toujours été mensonges. Trois cent ans de différence, ça se remarque tout de même du coup, elle nous a fait chanté, Elena et moi mais un nouvel arrivant à Mystic Falls a changé la donne: Elijah et Klaus débarquèrent en ville, Katherine les ayant toujours fui, nous laissa un temps de repos.
Je vous passe toutes les péripéties mais j'ai été contraint de rejoindre Klaus, le seul détenteur du remède contre la morsure de loup-garou puisque c'est un hybride dont a été victime Damon suite à ce que Tyler l'ait mordu, le fils du maire Lockwood.  J'ai été obligé de servir Klaus, forcé à tuer et à me nourrir de sang humain. The Ripper 3.0.  J'ai joué malgré tout un double jeu, en me servant de Klaus pour protéger Elena. Mais il a finit par découvrir qu'Elena est toujours vivante. J'ai été finalement à nouveau de retour à Mystic Falls, libéré de l'emprise de Klaus mais je n'ai pas supporté ce que j'avais fait et j'avais donc refusé de retrouver mon humanité. Toutefois, j'ai prouvé mon amour encore présent pour Elena en frappant Damon lorsqu'elle m'a apprit qu'il y a eu un baiser entre lui et elle. C'est là que Lexie me vint encore une fois en aide. Les fantômes avaient été un petit moment de retour en ville et Elena me l'envoya, pour m'aider encore à redevenir celui que j'étais. Voici la troisième fois qu'elle me vint en aide. Puis elle partie, encore une fois. J'ai réalisé à ce moment à quel point elle m'est indispensable.

Mystic-Falls, 2015
Me voilà de retour à Mystic Falls. Il s'en est passé des choses. Les fantômes ont été de retour à Mystic Falls, j'ai pu retrouver Lexie, pour mon plus grand bonheur. Il y a eut la mort de Bonnie, très dur, très très dur. Ou encore la bataille originaux/sorcières où j'ai été du côté des originaux, pour Elena. Elena Gilbert... Nous ne sommes plus ensemble. J'ai été plus que détruit par notre rupture, j'ai donc quitté Mystic Falls après la bataille avec Lexie que j'ai quitté au bout de six mois. J'avais besoin de me retrouver, j'ai donc beaucoup traîné en Angleterre, j'ai fais différentes rencontres, j'ai eu le temps en deux ans. Je suis tout de même de retour, ici, à Mystic Falls, chez moi. J'ai appris pour la mort de Katherine. Enfin, la pseudo mort je pense, Katherine est sournoise et on ne va pas dire qu'elle n'a pas déjà tenté ce coup-là.. D'être dans un bâtiment en feu pour faire croire à sa mort, disons que j'ai mes doutes, je vais attendre de voir.
Je suis un nouveau Stefan, j'ai pris conscience qu'il n'y a pas seulement Elena. Je vis donc actuellement à la pension avec elle, nous avons gardé de bon contact mais Damon est également là et il est devenu le connard qu'il a été, attention à ses fesses, je suis de retour et ça va faire tout drôle, à tout le monde.

Dernière édition par Stefan Salvatore le Mar 16 Juil - 22:13, édité 5 fois
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:11

Bienvenue ici et bonne chance pour ta fiche ! Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:17

Oh !! Stefouuuu !!

Sois le bienvenu parmi nous (aa)

Alors alors... Tu connais toutes les modifications vis a vis de la série ou pas ? Je peux te coatcher par Mp si tu veux *-* un système de parrainage est aussi disponible au cas où Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900

Ps.: on est jumeaux de signatures *-*
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:19

Merci ❤

J'ai envoyé un message au "maire" pour avoir des infos donc si tu veux me "coacher" par MP, je suis entièrement d'accord car la fiche des pvs n'informent pas beaucoup. x)
C'est un signe Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 163333655

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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:21

UN STEFAN. Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 
Bonne chance pour ta fiche et bienvenu ici ! Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 13:42

Oui, c'est normal :) le personnage de Stefan a vécu une véritable malédiction (ceux qui l'ont pris, ne l'ont pas beaucoup joué ou ont déserté avant de le faire) et, du coup, il n'a pas tellement évolué que ça. Je parlais surtout du contexte, de ce qu'est devenu ton frère etc.. en ce qui concerne Stef' en soit, t'as le terrain libre pour le coup XD

Je t'envois un Mp dés que je finis de manger (aa)
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 15:25

Mon amour Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Bienvenue Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 15:47

mon tout tout tout tout tout tout premier personnage préféré dans la série quand je regardais la saison 1 ! Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3149989503

bienvenue ici & si tu as besoin, n'hésite pas à contacter le staff comme déjà fait Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 16:22

Bienvenue à toi Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3149989503
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 17:21

Merci à tous ❤
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 18:13

bienvenue sur le fofo ^^
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 18:26

Merci ❤

Plus que l'histoire Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 19:26

En tant qu'anciennement Lexi je ne peux qu'approuver ce choix de fifou Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 (ouais en fait c'est toujours mon BFF au fond de mon coeur Stefan *sort* )

Bienvenue en tout cas *èèè*
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 19:37

Merci ❤

Je viens juste de terminer la partie Lexie en plus Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 19:38

Mooooh Stexi for the win :superman:
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 21:06

Enfin un super Stefan à l'attaque ! :superman: 

Bienvenue parmi nous et content que tu es rejoint le forum Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 22:07

Merci ❤

Bon, fiche fini j'ai envie de dire. Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

morsures : 19337
inscrit(e) le : 13/01/2013
célébrité : Ian Somerhalder
crédits : Tag

Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 22:53

Katherine Pierce a écrit:
Mon amour Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Bienvenue Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300

Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3399449725 


bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: :heart : :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429 bounce Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2396655900 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2016122830 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1709748450 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2830674255 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2328502761 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2443276334 :omg: :youpi: :hawaii: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 785738827 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1687688929 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2462434631 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1210170621 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3017361962 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 374512032 🆘 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1531109382 :elijah: :aaah: :vole: :craazy: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3167936611 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2363634485 :dance: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 423957859 :friends: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2553517857 :cooooontent: :superman: ❤ :idole: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2019856529 :amouur: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1271834681 :streap: :jtm: :fff: :hum: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 653454326 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1913862823 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2803854940 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3582197656 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1494286615 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1591390038 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1629540904 :sylvester: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1793434867 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1588870598 :LOOOL: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 443659541 :juliette: :suck: :bulle: :gogoool: :waza: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2653397164 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3602067029 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 904597489 :fan: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2154516395 Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 1550764429

Y'a quelques smileys incestueux mais j'ai le droit c'est hors rp mdrrr
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 22:59

Elle m'a toujours préféré, faut pas te faire d'illusion frérot. Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2361497300 Rolling Eyes 

Merci pour cet accueil. Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 850430829 
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

morsures : 19337
inscrit(e) le : 13/01/2013
célébrité : Ian Somerhalder
crédits : Tag

Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 23:16

Elle disait ça pour semer la zizanie :niark: 

Et de rien XDD si tu savais depuis le temps qu'on t'attend ! mdr hey ça fait deux fois de suite que je me dis un soir qu'on a pas de Stefan et que le lendemain y'en a un, j'dois avoir un don Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 2262856781 
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 23:31

Citation :
Elle disait ça pour semer la zizanie

Et je la sème encore Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. 3149989503
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Damon Salvatore
Damon Salvatore

morsures : 19337
inscrit(e) le : 13/01/2013
célébrité : Ian Somerhalder
crédits : Tag

Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 23:45

Va zizanier autre part que sur sa fiche toi xDD sinon c'est partit pour du flood, surtout avec moi la donc je vais arrêter de flooder mdr
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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMar 16 Juil - 23:51

Regardez ces deux-là qui gâchent toute ma sublimissme fiche ! :boum: 
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morsures : 1870
inscrit(e) le : 23/07/2012
célébrité : Zach Roerig
crédits : TAG et Tumblrs

Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. EmptyMer 17 Juil - 12:39

te souhaite la bienvenue parmi nous

Eh bha ! :stp:j'adore tout simplement ! je suis fan de Stefan et là ça m'a rappelé tous les débuts de la série, j'ai vraiment aimé ton histoire ! :fff: 

Maintenant, n'oublie de recenser ton avatar ; cela aidera les admins à mettre le bottin à jour pour qu'il n'y ai pas de doublons de célébrité. Après ça, t'es libre de créer ta fiche de liens ainsi que ta fiche de rp's ; cela t'aidera -entre autres- à y voir plus clair dans l'évolution de ton personne. Si tu manques d'action ou de piquant dans ta vie, n'hésite pas à créer ton scénario ; avec un peu de chance, il sera pris dans les jours qui suivent.

Il arrive que l'on soit timide mais, tu n'as rien à craindre sur GW ; nous sommes tous aussi déglingués les uns que les autres. Pour t'aider à mieux t'intégrer, il t'es possible de demander un parrain/une maraine ; ils seront là pour toi tout au long de ton aventure sur le forum. Idem, si t'as envie de rp mais, t'oses pas aller vers quelqu'un il y a la foire aux rp's o/

Pour finir, il ne te restera plus qu'à t'amuser parmi nous et, pour nous aider à ramener du monde sur le fofo, n'hésite surtout pas à voter pour le fofo sur le Top-Site.

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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.   Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken. Empty

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Stefan (+) Because the last time you really gave your heart to someone it got broken.
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